Руководства, Инструкции, Бланки

Ilex Rat инструкция img-1

Ilex Rat инструкция

Рейтинг: 4.2/5.0 (1859 проголосовавших)

Категория: Инструкции


Ilex rat инструкция - Это интересно

Ilex rat инструкция

Нажав клавишу Reboot, Вы перезагрузите свое мобильное устройство, а затем пройдете через процедуру изначальной настройки операционной системы iOS. Теперь дополнительно из репозитория BigBoss добавьте утилиту для управления: MobileTerminal. Оценят прежде всего любители оригинального Duke Nukem, Mario и других популярных персонажей и игрушек. После этого на экране iPhone или iPad будут отображены все стандартные приложения, а также и значок сервиса Cydia. Sin duda es un tweak bastante bueno si se utiliza con precaucion ya que se puede conseguir cosas que no queremos. В репозитории можно найти несколько полезных расширений, в том числе iLEX RAT. Твики для ios и обои. Восстановление прошивки iOS iPhone, iPad, iPod touch c сохранием jailbreak утилитой iLEX RAT. Здесь мы расскажем о самом простом из них, который, вероятно, будет под силу каждому. Here is the status of Android 6. Ilex rat инструкция iLEX RAT или как восстановить iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Seems to work and do its job.

Discussion in '' started by. С помощью Couria можно назначить любые жесты для быстрого написания SMS или ответа на короткие сообщения с рабочего стола, экрана блокировки или из приложений. Prior to the release of iOS 7. Репозиторий SiriPort Российские разработчики из проекта SiriPort выпускают программные решения, позволяющие использовать голосовой помощник Apple на старых iPhone и iPad.

General - iLEX R.A.T. Restore, Remove, Fixes And Troubleshoots Cydia. | MacRumors Forums

HASHBANG Productions Репозиторий HASHBANG — хранилище визуальных аддонов. Command "rat" in terminal. Content Relevant URLs by 3. Apple has just released iOS 7. Репозиторий для загрузки твиков. Санкт Петербург СПб Сервисный центр ремонта сотовых телефонов, смартфонов, ноутбуков, фотоаппаратов. Для загрузки программы нужно добавить в Cydia новый источник. I'm very surprised and I recommend.

Репозиторий iCleaner Pro Очень мощный программный пакет с широкими возможностями по очистке ОС от «мусора», локализованный к тому же на русский язык. Command "rat" in terminal. Один из самых популярных твиков делает «умным» стандартный номеронабиратель смартфона. Restart after, not respring.

Главная Помощь и инструкции по iPhone. Бесплатный пакет iLEX RAT дает возможность освежить девайс. No, create an account now. You type in "rat" in the command. Hdfrxraui iLEX RAT восстановление прошивки без потери джейлбрейка. В репозитории можно найти несколько полезных расширений, в том числе iLEX RAT.

Втopым шaгoм cледует пocтaвить MobileTerminal из Cydia. После этого на экране iPhone или iPad будут отображены все стандартные приложения, а также и значок сервиса Cydia.

T - En la pantalla que vemos ahora tendremos que seleccionar el numero de la accion que queramos realizar, tras poner el numero y pulsar enter nos saldra una pantalla de confirmacion de este tipo: - En esa pantalla pulsaremos y mas enter si queremos confirmar o n para cancelar.

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" width="8" height="8"> Внимание!

Все программы данного раздела являются неофициальными и не поддерживаются Apple. Установка и работа с ними может вызвать некорректное поведение устройства (быстрый разряд аккумулятора, торможение системы, некорректную работу других приложений и т.п.), либо привести к необходимости перепрошивки. Устанавливая приложения, вы действуйте на свой страх и риск!
Как устанавливать deb-файлы - Установка *.deb и *.ipa

Если Вы выложили новую версию программы, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом модератору нажав на вашем сообщении кнопку "Жалоба".

iLEX R.A.T. [iPhone] [iPad] Удаляет все твики и зависимости

iLEX R.A.T. version 1.10-125
Русский язык есть!
iLEX R.A.T.инструмент для яблочных устройств, известный во всем мире! :D
iLEX R.A.T. — восстановление прошивки iOS-девайса c сохранием jailbreak и не только!
Установи iLEX R.A.T. - «застрах уй» свое устройство от «вечного яблока» - шанс сохранить прошивку и джейл!
Актуальную версию рата скачали из репо почти 85.000 пользователей (с 22 апреля 2013)

Предже чем воспользоваться программой на iOS7, прочитайте пожалуйста этот пост iLEX R.A.T. (Пост #34929870)

Режимы работы:
На устройстве + На компьютере SSH (iFunBox)

iOS 4.x.x > 6.x.x - iPhone / iPad / iPod!

Список может продолжить гугл и ютуб :)

1). Удалить все приложение и твики Cydia.
2). Удалить все настройки твиков.
3). Очистить кэш Cydia.
4). Искать ошибки Cydia.
5). Восстановить работоспособность Cydia.
6). Переустановить Cydia.
7). Очистить кэш iOS.
8). Сбросить настройки iOS.
9). Сбросить расположение иконок и обои.
0). Удалить все приложения и игры (App) .
10). Сделать резервную копию всех твиков и зависимостей в DEB.
11). Восстановить все твики и зависимости.
12). iLEX-RESTORE - восстановление прошивки iOS-девайса c сохранием jailbreak

Как установить и использовать:

1. Добавьте в Cydia репозиторий http://cydia.myrepospace.com/iLEXiNFO/ (вкладка Manage -> Sources -> Edit).
2. Установите iLEX R.A.T

Более подробное описание: Официальная Страница: iLEX R.A.T.

двойной тап по центру - сброс активации и паролей.

Сообщение отредактировал mfilonen2 - 01.12.2015, 00:06

Причина редактирования: новая версия, новые скрины

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 3%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree

Reading state information. 0%

Reading state information. 19%

Reading state information. Done

actionmenu is already the newest version.
applist is already the newest version.
apr-lib is already the newest version.
apt is already the newest version.
apt7 is already the newest version.
apt7-key is already the newest version.
apt7-lib is already the newest version.
apt7-ssl is already the newest version.
base is already the newest version.
bash is already the newest version.
basic-cmds is already the newest version.
berkeleydb is already the newest version.
boerse.actionmenu-pluspack is already the newest version.
boerse.repoicon is already the newest version.
bzip2 is already the newest version.
com.alexzielenski.zeppelin is already the newest version.
com.alpden.AppStorelous is already the newest version.
com.alpden.asktosend is already the newest version.
com.alpden.bitesms is already the newest version.
com.alpden.blocker is already the newest version.
com.alpden.bulletin is already the newest version.
com.alpden.dater is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ezdecline is already the newest version.
com.alpden.iap is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ifile is already the newest version.
com.alpden.infinidock is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ischeduler is already the newest version.
com.alpden.jukebox is already the newest version.
com.alpden.manualcorrectpro is already the newest version.
com.alpden.mobileterminal is already the newest version.
com.alpden.MultiCleaner is already the newest version.
com.alpden.passwdui is already the newest version.
com.alpden.protube is already the newest version.
com.alpden.repoprep is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ruscydia is already the newest version.
com.alpden.screendimmer is already the newest version.
com.alpden.springtomize2 is already the newest version.
com.alpden.stealthcam is already the newest version.
com.arichardson.weepreferenceloader is already the newest version.
com.chpwn.weeloader is already the newest version.
com.chronic-dev.greenpois0n.rocky-racoon is already the newest version.
com.ericasadun.utilities is already the newest version.
com.fairylabs.netmeter is already the newest version.
com.fairylabs.netmeterwidget is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.passwordpilot is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-icons is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-localizations is already the newest version.
com.hackulo.us.installous is already the newest version.
com.hackulo.us.sourcegui is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.appsync50plus is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.nopagelimits is already the newest version.
com.idevhaice.sendmylocation is already the newest version.
com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles is already the newest version.
com.iky1e.swipeselection is already the newest version.
com.iPhone-h4cked.sourceiconrepo is already the newest version.
com.jamied360.multistorey is already the newest version.
com.justinxxvii.datadepositapp is already the newest version.
com.mathieubolard.killbackground is already the newest version.
com.mcnight.nowlistening is already the newest version.
com.mergesort.quicktweet is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.powerup is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.serioussbsettingshd is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.startdial is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace-iLEX.icon is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.airbluesharing is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.blued is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.ibirthdays is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.ilex is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.ilex.ilexreposlocal is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.kuaidial-beta is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.rat is already the newest version.
com.pf.repoicon is already the newest version.
com.ravirajm.torch is already the newest version.
com.rpetrich.layersnapshotter is already the newest version.
com.saurik.substrate.safemode is already the newest version.
com.sbsdefaulthdtheme is already the newest version.
com.sull.repoicons is already the newest version.
com.understruction.openurl is already the newest version.
com.xsellize.wraparound is already the newest version.
coreutils is already the newest version.
coreutils-bin is already the newest version.
curl is already the newest version.
cy+cpu.arm is already the newest version.
cy+kernel.darwin is already the newest version.
cy+lib.corefoundation is already the newest version.
cy+model.iphone is already the newest version.
cy+os.ios is already the newest version.
cydia is already the newest version.
cydia-lproj is already the newest version.
darwintools is already the newest version.
debianutils is already the newest version.
diffutils is already the newest version.
diskdev-cmds is already the newest version.
dpkg is already the newest version.
file-cmds is already the newest version.
findutils is already the newest version.
firmware is already the newest version.
firmware-sbin is already the newest version.
fr.eimji.phonebuzzer is already the newest version.
gawk is already the newest version.
gdata-objectivec-client is already the newest version.
gettext is already the newest version.
gettext set to manually installed.
gnupg is already the newest version.
grep is already the newest version.
gsmicon is already the newest version.
gzip is already the newest version.
installous.translations is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.lastapp is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.multiiconmover is already the newest version.
libactivator is already the newest version.
libhide is already the newest version.
libstatusbar is already the newest version.
libxml2 is already the newest version.
libxml2-lib is already the newest version.
lighttpd is already the newest version.
lzma is already the newest version.
me.devbug.asktocall is already the newest version.
me.k3a.powersounddisabler is already the newest version.
mobilesubstrate is already the newest version.
ncurses is already the newest version.
network-cmds is already the newest version.
openssh is already the newest version.
openssl is already the newest version.
org.thebigboss.repo.icons is already the newest version.
org.thebigboss.sbsairplanetoggle is already the newest version.
p7zip is already the newest version.
pam is already the newest version.
pam-modules is already the newest version.
pcre is already the newest version.

Reading package lists. 0%

Reading package lists. 100%

Reading package lists. Done

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree

Reading state information. 0%

Reading state information. 19%

Reading state information. Done

actionmenu is already the newest version.
applist is already the newest version.
apr-lib is already the newest version.
apt is already the newest version.
apt7 is already the newest version.
apt7-key is already the newest version.
apt7-lib is already the newest version.
apt7-ssl is already the newest version.
base is already the newest version.
bash is already the newest version.
basic-cmds is already the newest version.
berkeleydb is already the newest version.
boerse.actionmenu-pluspack is already the newest version.
boerse.repoicon is already the newest version.
bzip2 is already the newest version.
com.alexzielenski.zeppelin is already the newest version.
com.alpden.AppStorelous is already the newest version.
com.alpden.asktosend is already the newest version.
com.alpden.bitesms is already the newest version.
com.alpden.blocker is already the newest version.
com.alpden.bulletin is already the newest version.
com.alpden.dater is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ezdecline is already the newest version.
com.alpden.iap is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ifile is already the newest version.
com.alpden.infinidock is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ischeduler is already the newest version.
com.alpden.jukebox is already the newest version.
com.alpden.manualcorrectpro is already the newest version.
com.alpden.mobileterminal is already the newest version.
com.alpden.MultiCleaner is already the newest version.
com.alpden.passwdui is already the newest version.
com.alpden.protube is already the newest version.
com.alpden.repoprep is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ruscydia is already the newest version.
com.alpden.screendimmer is already the newest version.
com.alpden.springtomize2 is already the newest version.
com.alpden.stealthcam is already the newest version.
com.arichardson.weepreferenceloader is already the newest version.
com.chpwn.weeloader is already the newest version.
com.chronic-dev.greenpois0n.rocky-racoon is already the newest version.
com.ericasadun.utilities is already the newest version.
com.fairylabs.netmeter is already the newest version.
com.fairylabs.netmeterwidget is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.passwordpilot is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-icons is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-localizations is already the newest version.
com.hackulo.us.installous is already the newest version.
com.hackulo.us.sourcegui is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.appsync50plus is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.nopagelimits is already the newest version.
com.idevhaice.sendmylocation is already the newest version.
com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles is already the newest version.
com.iky1e.swipeselection is already the newest version.
com.iPhone-h4cked.sourceiconrepo is already the newest version.
com.jamied360.multistorey is already the newest version.
com.justinxxvii.datadepositapp is already the newest version.
com.mathieubolard.killbackground is already the newest version.
com.mcnight.nowlistening is already the newest version.
com.mergesort.quicktweet is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.powerup is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.serioussbsettingshd is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.startdial is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace-iLEX.icon is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.airbluesharing is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.blued is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.ibirthdays is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.ilex is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.ilex.ilexreposlocal is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.kuaidial-beta is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.rat is already the newest version.
com.pf.repoicon is already the newest version.
com.ravirajm.torch is already the newest version.
com.rpetrich.layersnapshotter is already the newest version.
com.saurik.substrate.safemode is already the newest version.
com.sbsdefaulthdtheme is already the newest version.
com.sull.repoicons is already the newest version.
com.understruction.openurl is already the newest version.
com.xsellize.wraparound is already the newest version.
coreutils is already the newest version.
coreutils-bin is already the newest version.
curl is already the newest version.
cy+cpu.arm is already the newest version.
cy+kernel.darwin is already the newest version.
cy+lib.corefoundation is already the newest version.
cy+model.iphone is already the newest version.
cy+os.ios is already the newest version.
cydia is already the newest version.
cydia-lproj is already the newest version.
darwintools is already the newest version.
debianutils is already the newest version.
diffutils is already the newest version.
diskdev-cmds is already the newest version.
dpkg is already the newest version.
file-cmds is already the newest version.
findutils is already the newest version.
firmware is already the newest version.
firmware-sbin is already the newest version.
fr.eimji.phonebuzzer is already the newest version.
gawk is already the newest version.
gdata-objectivec-client is already the newest version.
gettext is already the newest version.
gettext set to manually installed.
gnupg is already the newest version.
grep is already the newest version.
gsmicon is already the newest version.
gzip is already the newest version.
installous.translations is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.lastapp is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.multiiconmover is already the newest version.
libactivator is already the newest version.
libhide is already the newest version.
libstatusbar is already the newest version.
libxml2 is already the newest version.
libxml2-lib is already the newest version.
lighttpd is already the newest version.
lzma is already the newest version.
me.devbug.asktocall is already the newest version.
me.k3a.powersounddisabler is already the newest version.
mobilesubstrate is already the newest version.
ncurses is already the newest version.
network-cmds is already the newest version.
openssh is already the newest version.
openssl is already the newest version.
org.thebigboss.repo.icons is already the newest version.
org.thebigboss.sbsairplanetoggle is already the newest version.
p7zip is already the newest version.
pam is already the newest version.
pam-modules is already the newest version.
php is already the newest version.
pincrush is already the newest version.
preferenceloader is already the newest version.
profile.d is already the newest version.
readline is already the newest version.
sbsettings is already the newest version.
sbsettingsautolock2 is already the newest version.
sbsettingstoggles is already the newest version.
sed is already the newest version.
shell-cmds is already the newest version.
sqlite3 is already the newest version.
sqlite3-lib is already the newest version.
syslogd is already the newest version.
system-cmds is already the newest version.
tar is already the newest version.
uikittools is already the newest version.
unrar is already the newest version.
unzip is already the newest version.
us.hackulo.resources is already the newest version.
us.NakedProductions.stayopened is already the newest version.
wget is already the newest version.
wget set to manually installed.
zip is already the newest version.
The following packages will be upgraded:
com.chpwn.iconsupport com.xsellize.zephyr jp.ashikase.folderenhancer
4 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 2935kB/3004kB of archives.
After this operation, 1286kB of additional disk space will be used.
WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]
0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]

Err http://apt.thebigboss.org stable/main jp.ashikase.folderenhancer 1.9.2-1
HTTP/1.0 403 This package is either paid or requires a paid package to function. If you already paid for this package, try again later, or email saurik@saurik.com if this problem keeps happening. If you are trying to download a free add-on to a paid package, you must purchase that paid package first.

0% [Connecting to apt.thebigboss.org]

Err http://apt.thebigboss.org stable/main org.thebigboss.callbar 2.2-4
HTTP/1.0 403 This package is either paid or requires a paid package to function. If you already paid for this package, try again later, or email saurik@saurik.com if this problem keeps happening. If you are trying to download a free add-on to a paid package, you must purchase that paid package first.

grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: fetch: No such file or directory
grep: http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/. cer_v1.9.2.deb: No such file or directory
grep: HTTP/1.0: No such file or directory
grep: 403: No such file or directory
grep: This: No such file or directory
grep: package: No such file or directory
grep: is: No such file or directory
grep: either: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: or: No such file or directory
grep: requires: No such file or directory
grep: a: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: package: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: function. No such file or directory
grep: If: No such file or directory
grep: you: No such file or directory
grep: already: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: for: No such file or directory
grep: this: No such file or directory
grep: package. No such file or directory
grep: try: No such file or directory
grep: again: No such file or directory
grep: later. No such file or directory
grep: or: No such file or directory
grep: email: No such file or directory
grep: saurik@saurik.com: No such file or directory
grep: if: No such file or directory
grep: this: No such file or directory
grep: problem: No such file or directory
grep: keeps: No such file or directory
grep: happening. No such file or directory
grep: If: No such file or directory
grep: you: No such file or directory
grep: are: No such file or directory
grep: trying: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: download: No such file or directory
grep: a: No such file or directory
grep: free: No such file or directory
grep: add-on: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: a: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: package. No such file or directory
grep: you: No such file or directory
grep: must: No such file or directory
grep: purchase: No such file or directory
grep: that: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: package: No such file or directory
grep: first. No such file or directory
grep: Failed: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: fetch: No such file or directory
grep: http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/. bar_v2.2-4.deb: No such file or directory
grep: HTTP/1.0: No such file or directory
grep: 403: No such file or directory
grep: This: No such file or directory
grep: package: No such file or directory
grep: is: No such file or directory
grep: either: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: or: No such file or directory
grep: requires: No such file or directory
grep: a: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: package: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: function. No such file or directory
grep: If: No such file or directory
grep: you: No such file or directory
grep: already: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: for: No such file or directory
grep: this: No such file or directory
grep: package. No such file or directory
grep: try: No such file or directory
grep: again: No such file or directory
grep: later. No such file or directory
grep: or: No such file or directory
grep: email: No such file or directory
grep: saurik@saurik.com: No such file or directory
grep: if: No such file or directory
grep: this: No such file or directory
grep: problem: No such file or directory
grep: keeps: No such file or directory
grep: happening. No such file or directory
grep: If: No such file or directory
grep: you: No such file or directory
grep: are: No such file or directory
grep: trying: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: download: No such file or directory
grep: a: No such file or directory
grep: free: No such file or directory
grep: add-on: No such file or directory
grep: to: No such file or directory
grep: a: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: package. No such file or directory
grep: you: No such file or directory
grep: must: No such file or directory
grep: purchase: No such file or directory
grep: that: No such file or directory
grep: paid: No such file or directory
grep: package: No such file or directory
grep: first. No such file or directory

Reading package lists. 0%

Reading package lists. 100%

Reading package lists. Done

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree

Reading state information. 0%

Reading state information. 19%

Reading state information. Done

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree. 72%

Building dependency tree

Reading state information. 0%

Reading state information. 2%

Reading state information. Done

actionmenu is already the newest version.
applist is already the newest version.
applist set to manually installed.
apr-lib is already the newest version.
apt is already the newest version.
apt7 is already the newest version.
apt7-key is already the newest version.
apt7-lib is already the newest version.
apt7-ssl is already the newest version.
base is already the newest version.
bash is already the newest version.
basic-cmds is already the newest version.
berkeleydb is already the newest version.
boerse.actionmenu-pluspack is already the newest version.
boerse.autoapptranslate is already the newest version.
boerse.autoapptranslate set to manually installed.
boerse.pphelper is already the newest version.
boerse.repoicon is already the newest version.
bzip2 is already the newest version.
com.alexzielenski.zeppelin is already the newest version.
com.alpden.abfix is already the newest version.
com.alpden.asktosend is already the newest version.
com.alpden.blocker is already the newest version.
com.alpden.bulletin is already the newest version.
com.alpden.dater is already the newest version.
com.alpden.iap is already the newest version.
com.alpden.infinidock is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ischeduler is already the newest version.
com.alpden.jukebox is already the newest version.
com.alpden.manualcorrectpro is already the newest version.
com.alpden.mobileterminal is already the newest version.
com.alpden.passwdui is already the newest version.
com.alpden.protube is already the newest version.
com.alpden.repoprep is already the newest version.
com.alpden.ruscydia is already the newest version.
com.alpden.springtomize2 is already the newest version.
com.alpden.stealthcam is already the newest version.
com.alpden.zephyr is already the newest version.
com.arichardson.weepreferenceloader is already the newest version.
com.chpwn.iconsupport is already the newest version.
com.chpwn.iconsupport set to manually installed.
com.chpwn.weeloader is already the newest version.
com.ericasadun.utilities is already the newest version.
com.fairylabs.netmeter is already the newest version.
com.fairylabs.netmeterwidget is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.passwordpilot is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-icons is already the newest version.
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-localizations is already the newest version.
com.hackulo.us.installous is already the newest version.
com.hackulo.us.sourcegui is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo is already the newest version.
com.hackyouriphone.nopagelimits is already the newest version.
com.idevhaice.sendmylocation is already the newest version.
com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles is already the newest version.
com.iky1e.swipeselection is already the newest version.
com.imokhles.slightenhancersearch is already the newest version.
com.iphone-h4cked.sourceiconrepo is already the newest version.
com.jamied360.multistorey is already the newest version.
com.jamied360.ncsettings is already the newest version.
com.justinxxvii.datadepositapp is already the newest version.
com.marcocristalli.altervista.org.AppStorelous is already the newest version.
com.marcocristalli.libapptrackr is already the newest version.
com.mcnight.nowlistening is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.powerup is already the newest version.
com.modmyi.startdial is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace-iLEX.icon is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.airbluesharing is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.blued is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.ilex is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.kuaidial-beta is already the newest version.
com.myrepospace.iLEX.rat is already the newest version.
com.pf.repoicon is already the newest version.
com.rpetrich.layersnapshotter is already the newest version.
com.saurik.substrate.safemode is already the newest version.
com.saurik.substrate.safemode set to manually installed.
com.sull.bitesms is already the newest version.
com.sull.closeenhancer is already the newest version.
com.sull.icontoggles is already the newest version.
com.sull.repoicons is already the newest version.
com.understruction.openurl is already the newest version.
com.xsellize.wraparound is already the newest version.
coreutils is already the newest version.
coreutils-bin is already the newest version.
curl is already the newest version.
cy+cpu.arm is already the newest version.
cy+kernel.darwin is already the newest version.
cy+lib.corefoundation is already the newest version.
cy+model.iphone is already the newest version.
cy+os.ios is already the newest version.
cydia is already the newest version.
cydia-lproj is already the newest version.
darwintools is already the newest version.
debianutils is already the newest version.
diffutils is already the newest version.
diskdev-cmds is already the newest version.
dpkg is already the newest version.
eu.heinelt.ifile is already the newest version.
file-cmds is already the newest version.
findutils is already the newest version.
firmware is already the newest version.
firmware-sbin is already the newest version.
fr.eimji.phonebuzzer is already the newest version.
gawk is already the newest version.
gdata-objectivec-client is already the newest version.
gnupg is already the newest version.
grep is already the newest version.
gsmicon is already the newest version.
gzip is already the newest version.
installous.translations is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons set to manually installed.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages set to manually installed.
jp.ashikase.folderenhancer is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.lastapp is already the newest version.
jp.ashikase.multiiconmover is already the newest version.
libactivator is already the newest version.
libstatusbar is already the newest version.
libxml2 is already the newest version.
libxml2-lib is already the newest version.
lighttpd is already the newest version.
lzma is already the newest version.
me.devbug.asktocall is already the newest version.
me.k3a.powersounddisabler is already the newest version.
mobilesubstrate is already the newest version.
mobilesubstrate set to manually installed.
ncurses is already the newest version.
network-cmds is already the newest version.
openssh is already the newest version.
openssl is already the newest version.
org.h2co3.unbox is already the newest version.
org.h2co3.unbox set to manually installed.
org.thebigboss.callbar is already the newest version.
org.thebigboss.repo.icons is already the newest version.
p7zip is already the newest version.
pam is already the newest version.
pam-modules is already the newest version.
pcre is already the newest version.
php is already the newest version.
pincrush is already the newest version.
preferenceloader is already the newest version.
preferenceloader set to manually installed.
profile.d is already the newest version.
readline is already the newest version.
sed is already the newest version.
shell-cmds is already the newest version.
sqlite3 is already the newest version.
sqlite3-lib is already the newest version.
syslogd is already the newest version.
system-cmds is already the newest version.
tar is already the newest version.
uikittools is already the newest version.
unrar is already the newest version.
unzip is already the newest version.
us.hackulo.appsync50plus is already the newest version.
us.hackulo.appsync50plus set to manually installed.
us.hackulo.resources is already the newest version.
us.NakedProductions.stayopened is already the newest version.
ws.hbang.brightvol is already the newest version.
zip is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Список твиков для удаления составлен и находится в в Общем хранилище
или по этому пути - /var/mobile/Media/general_storage/removemytweaks.txt

Будут удалены все твики и зависимости установленные Вами после джейла!
Если будет такой запрос - To continue type in the phrase Yes, do as I say! - скопируйте в консоль или введите - Yes, do as I say!.

Начнем? (Y-Да / N-Нет) y

Список твиков для удаления обнаружен - OK

Пожалуйста, подождите, начинаю удалять.

Reading package lists. 0%

Reading package lists. 100%

Reading package lists. Done

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 0%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree. 50%

Building dependency tree

Reading state information. 0%

Reading state information. 2%

Reading state information. Done

The following packages will be REMOVED:
actionmenu applist apt apt7 apt7-ssl basic-cmds berkeleydb
boerse.actionmenu-pluspack boerse.autoapptranslate boerse.pphelper
boerse.repoicon com.alexzielenski.zeppelin com.alpden.abfix
com.alpden.asktosend com.alpden.blocker com.alpden.bulletin com.alpden.dater
com.alpden.iap com.alpden.infinidock com.alpden.ischeduler
com.alpden.jukebox com.alpden.manualcorrectpro com.alpden.mobileterminal
com.alpden.passwdui com.alpden.protube com.alpden.repoprep
com.alpden.ruscydia com.alpden.springtomize2 com.alpden.stealthcam
com.alpden.zephyr com.arichardson.weepreferenceloader com.chpwn.iconsupport
com.chpwn.weeloader com.ericasadun.utilities com.fairylabs.netmeter
com.fairylabs.netmeterwidget com.filippobiga.passwordpilot
com.filippobiga.springtomize2-localizations com.hackulo.us.installous
com.hackulo.us.sourcegui com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo
com.hackyouriphone.nopagelimits com.idevhaice.sendmylocation
com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles com.iky1e.swipeselection
com.imokhles.slightenhancersearch com.iphone-h4cked.sourceiconrepo
com.jamied360.multistorey com.jamied360.ncsettings
com.marcocristalli.libapptrackr com.mcnight.nowlistening com.modmyi.powerup
com.modmyi.startdial com.myrepospace-iLEX.icon
com.myrepospace.iLEX.airbluesharing com.myrepospace.iLEX.blued
com.myrepospace.iLEX.ilex com.myrepospace.iLEX.kuaidial-beta
com.myrepospace.iLEX.rat com.pf.repoicon com.rpetrich.layersnapshotter
com.saurik.substrate.safemode com.sull.bitesms com.sull.closeenhancer
com.sull.icontoggles com.sull.repoicons com.understruction.openurl
com.xsellize.wraparound coreutils curl diskdev-cmds eu.heinelt.ifile
file-cmds fr.eimji.phonebuzzer gawk gdata-objectivec-client gsmicon
installous.translations jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons
jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages jp.ashikase.folderenhancer jp.ashikase.lastapp
jp.ashikase.multiiconmover libactivator libstatusbar libxml2 libxml2-lib
lighttpd me.devbug.asktocall me.k3a.powersounddisabler mobilesubstrate
network-cmds org.h2co3.unbox org.thebigboss.callbar p7zip php pincrush
preferenceloader sqlite3 sqlite3-lib syslogd unrar unzip
us.NakedProductions.stayopened us.hackulo.appsync50plus us.hackulo.resources
ws.hbang.brightvol zip
WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
apt apt7 (due to apt) boerse.repoicon com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo
com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles com.pf.repoicon com.sull.repoicons
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 111 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 93.4MB disk space will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially harmful.
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
?] Yes, do as I say!

(Reading database. 7767 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing boerse.actionmenu-pluspack.
Removing actionmenu.
Removing boerse.pphelper.
No matching processes were found
Start Uninstall!
End Uninstall!
Removing boerse.autoapptranslate.
Removing com.alpden.zephyr.
Removing applist.
Removing apt.
Removing com.myrepospace.ilex.rat.
Removing com.myrepospace.ilex.ilex.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.ilex, directory `/var/mobile/Media/general_storage/iLEX' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.ilex, directory `/var/mobile/Media/general_storage' not empty so not removed.
Removing apt7.
Removing apt7-ssl.
Removing basic-cmds.
Removing berkeleydb.
dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:
This is an essential package - it should not be removed.
Removing boerse.repoicon.
Removing com.alexzielenski.zeppelin.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alexzielenski.zeppelin, directory `/Library/Zeppelin' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.alpden.abfix.
restore original files
Removing com.alpden.asktosend.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/zh_TW.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/zh_CN.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/tr.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/Spanish.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/ru.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/ko.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/Japanese.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/Italian.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/German.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/French.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/English.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/el.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app/ar.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.asktosend, directory `/Applications/MobileMail.app' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.alpden.blocker.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.blocker, directory `/Applications/MobileSafari.app' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.alpden.bulletin.
Removing com.alpden.dater.
Removing com.alpden.iap.
Removing com.alpden.infinidock.
Removing com.alpden.ischeduler.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.alpden.ischeduler, directory `/var/mobile/Library/aTimeTool' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.alpden.jukebox.
Removing com.alpden.manualcorrectpro.
Removing com.alpden.mobileterminal.
Removing com.alpden.passwdui.
Removing com.alpden.protube.
Removing com.alpden.stealthcam.
Removing com.alpden.springtomize2.
Removing com.alpden.ruscydia.
Removing com.alpden.repoprep.
Removing com.arichardson.weepreferenceloader.
Removing jp.ashikase.folderenhancer.
dpkg - warning: while removing jp.ashikase.folderenhancer, directory `/Library/PreferenceBundles/FolderEnhancer.bundle' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing jp.ashikase.folderenhancer, directory `/Library/Application Support' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.chpwn.iconsupport.
Removing com.jamied360.ncsettings.
Removing com.chpwn.weeloader.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.chpwn.weeloader, directory `/System/Library/BulletinBoardPlugins' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.myrepospace.ilex.airbluesharing.
Removing com.myrepospace.ilex.blued.
Removing com.ericasadun.utilities.
Removing com.fairylabs.netmeterwidget.
Please respring your device.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.fairylabs.netmeterwidget, directory `/System/Library/WeeAppPlugins' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.fairylabs.netmeter.
launchctl: Error unloading: com.fairylabs.netmeterd
Please respring your device.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.fairylabs.netmeter, directory `/Applications/NetMeter.app' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.filippobiga.passwordpilot.
Removing com.filippobiga.springtomize2-icons.
Removing com.filippobiga.springtomize2-localizations.
Removing com.marcocristalli.altervista.org.appstorelous.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.marcocristalli.altervista.org.appstorelous, directory `/Library/PreferenceBundles/AppStorelous.bundle' not empty so not removed.
Removing installous.translations.
Removing com.hackulo.us.installous.
Removing com.hackulo.us.sourcegui.
dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:
This is an essential package - it should not be removed.
Removing com.hackyouriphone.iconrepo.
Removing com.hackyouriphone.nopagelimits.
Removing com.idevhaice.sendmylocation.
dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:
This is an essential package - it should not be removed.
Removing com.ihacksrepo.reposetupfiles.
Removing com.iky1e.swipeselection.
Removing com.imokhles.slightenhancersearch.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.imokhles.slightenhancersearch, directory `/Library/PreferenceBundles/SSLPrefs.bundle' not empty so not removed.
Removing com.iphone-h4cked.sourceiconrepo.
Removing com.jamied360.multistorey.
Removing com.justinxxvii.datadepositapp.
Removing com.marcocristalli.libapptrackr.
Removing com.mcnight.nowlistening.
Removing com.modmyi.powerup.
Removing com.modmyi.startdial.
Removing com.myrepospace-ilex.icon.
Removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/zh_TW.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/zh_CN.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/ru.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/ko.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/English.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/System/Library/CoreServices' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobileSMS.app/zh_TW.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobileSMS.app/zh_CN.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobileSMS.app/ru.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobileSMS.app/ko.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobileSMS.app/English.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobileSMS.app' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobilePhone.app/zh_TW.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobilePhone.app/zh_CN.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobilePhone.app/ru.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobilePhone.app/ko.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobilePhone.app/English.lproj' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.myrepospace.ilex.kuaidial-beta, directory `/Applications/MobilePhone.app' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:
This is an essential package - it should not be removed.
Removing com.pf.repoicon.
Removing com.rpetrich.layersnapshotter.
Removing com.xsellize.wraparound.
Removing com.sull.icontoggles.
Removing com.sull.closeenhancer.
Removing com.sull.bitesms.
Removing us.nakedproductions.stayopened.
Removing com.understruction.openurl.
Removing ws.hbang.brightvol.
Removing org.thebigboss.callbar.
Removing me.devbug.asktocall.
dpkg - warning: while removing me.devbug.asktocall, directory `/Library/PreferenceBundles/AskToCallSettings.bundle' not empty so not removed.
Removing jp.ashikase.lastapp.
Removing libactivator.
Removing preferenceloader.
dpkg - warning: while removing preferenceloader, directory `/Library/PreferenceBundles' not empty so not removed.
Removing me.k3a.powersounddisabler.
Removing libstatusbar.
Removing jp.ashikase.multiiconmover.
Removing jp.ashikase.bugfix.stuckpages.
Removing jp.ashikase.bugfix.duplicateicons.
Removing fr.eimji.phonebuzzer.
dpkg - warning: while removing fr.eimji.phonebuzzer, directory `/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing fr.eimji.phonebuzzer, directory `/Library/PreferenceLoader' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:
This is an essential package - it should not be removed.
Removing com.sull.repoicons.
Removing coreutils.
Removing php.
Removing curl.
Removing eu.heinelt.ifile.
Removing diskdev-cmds.
Removing file-cmds.
Removing gawk.
Removing gdata-objectivec-client.
Removing gsmicon.
Removing lighttpd.
Removing libxml2.
Removing libxml2-lib.
Removing network-cmds.
Removing org.h2co3.unbox.
Removing p7zip.
Removing pincrush.
Removing sqlite3.
Removing sqlite3-lib.
Removing syslogd.
Removing unrar.
Removing unzip.
Removing us.hackulo.appsync50plus.
Removing MobileSubstrate installd hook.
Removing us.hackulo.resources.
Removing zip.
Removing mobilesubstrate.
Removing com.saurik.substrate.safemode.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.saurik.substrate.safemode, directory `/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries' not empty so not removed.
dpkg - warning: while removing com.saurik.substrate.safemode, directory `/Library/MobileSubstrate' not empty so not removed.

Дополнительная информация находится в в Общем хранилище
или по этому пути - /var/mobile/Media/general_storage/Cydia по умолчанию

Выключите и включите устройство или разблокируйте и нажмите Restart

скорее всего причина в этом:

The following packages will be upgraded:
com.chpwn.iconsupport com.xsellize.zephyr jp.ashikase.folderenhancer
4 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 2935kB/3004kB of archives.
After this operation, 1286kB of additional disk space will be used.
WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

Эти твики мешают:
Удалите их вручную
и снова проверьте

мол типа все хвосты в корень чистит или просто удаляет все твики?!

Удаляет все твики и зависимости.
Все. что появилось в сидии после установки.

Добавлено 22.12.2012, 22:20:

iSexiet @ 22.12.2012, 23:14

мол типа все хвосты в корень чистит

конфиги твиков остаются мертвым грузом